Welcome to the new SMI website!
A message from the President of the Society for Molecular Imprinting
I welcome you all to the website of
The Society for Molecular Imprinting! I have designed the site to encourage you, the members, to take an active part in determining the look and feel of the site. With
your help we can make the site a lively and interesting place to visit by sharing news, views, thoughts and opinions. You can upload
news articles, update your profile and
group pages, post
news of meetings, conferences and other events, upload
a photo gallery or
some videos, alert us to
new job opportunities start a discussion or post a reply on the forums. Tell us about any awards you have earned, your successes and triumphs. You have to be
logged in to post but
registration is
free, so why not? Share your thoughts about life as a student or researcher,
write a poem,
tell us a joke. You can post
articles that anyone can see or write
pieces just for other members to see when they are logged in. This is
your site, make it
your home.
Mike Whitcombe, SMI President

The Society for Molecular Imprinting welcomes its most recently joined members:
- Tristanhaf, member since 3 February 2025.
- Miloš Pešić, member since 27 January 2025.
- Koye Sodipo, member since 18 December 2024.
- Sezen İrem Aslaner, member since 13 December 2024.
- Yafei Wang, member since 4 December 2024.
- Lada Dolejsova Sekerova, member since 7 November 2024.
- Beatriz Fresco Cala, member since 10 July 2024.
- Xuanhao Lin, member since 8 July 2024.
- Raquel Queirós, member since 19 June 2024.
- Ali Bakhshi, member since 12 May 2024.
- Subi Joseph, member since 3 May 2024.
- Bareki Shima Batlokwa, member since 29 April 2024.
- Handajaya Rusli, member since 28 February 2024.
- Gozde Kabay, member since 19 January 2024.
- Meriem Kassar, member since 19 January 2024.
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