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MIP2020 (Hiroshima, Japan) the Latest Information (March 2020)

The MIP2020 organizing committee is concerned about the recent situation of the Coronavirus COVID-19. You may be also afraid of not being able to attend MIP2020 due to the regulation of travel abroad and/or the anxiety of infection. We are now conferring with the board members of SMI on this matter.

For your information; Biosensors 2020 held in Busan, Korea (May 26 to June 29) has been postponed to November, while 25th IUPAC International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry (ICPOC 25) held in Hiroshima, Japan will be held as scheduled (July 5 to 10).

This is a difficult decision for us, but we believe that the attendantse safety and enjoyable staying in Japan are most important. We will announce our decision to all of them by the end of March, whether MIP2020 are being hold as scheduled or postponed.

Your kind patience and helpful cooperation would be gratefully appreciated.

With best regards,


Posted on 15 March 2020 at 08:28:05 by Toshifumi Takeuchi

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