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You may now download a membership certificate as a pdf file

I have been contacted on occasion regarding the issue of membership certificates. I have now addressed this subject with a new script which can be found in the "SMI Members" section of the left-hand menu or directly here

Your certificate will be issued using the first and last names listed in your member profile, please ensure that this reflects how you wish your name to appear on the document. This is an experimental script and not fully tested. If you encounter problems with the output, contact me at admin@mipdatabase.com with any issues you encounter.

The script works in two stages: stage 1 allows you to select the stationery size (A4 or US letter). You may then issue the certificate, at which point the date that you made the request will be logged in the database. Stage 2 allows you to download the certificate according to your specification, the file named "SMI_membership_certificate.pdf" will then be saved on your system. Do not navigate away from the download page before saving the file or you will be locked out from applying for 1 year (the validity of the certificate).

I hope that this feature satisfies those that have requested it. Happy downloading!  Mike 

Posted on 4 November 2022 at 00:31:05 by Michael Whitcombe

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