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Showing profile for Deepak Chandrasekaran

Position: Co-founder Biodebug & visiting scientist
Institution: Biodebug UG
Department: Department of pure and applied biochemistry , Lund ,Sweden

Web: https://www.tzdo.de/en/company-directory/the-company-you-searched-for-in-detail/bio-debug-ug.htm
Email: (Email is private)
Fax: Imaildeepakc@gmail.com

Personal statement:
To create,evolve disruptive innovations in the area of life sciences.Interested in developing strategic models for life science clients with a rigorous evidence based analytical capacities solving challenging & complex problems with actionable insights . Masters in Biotechnology from Swedish Royal Institute of Technology. a biochemist with 8 years experience in primary & secondary research accustomed to an interdisciplinary research and development at TU-Dortmund, Germany & Lund university, Sweden .Co-Founded a company called Biodebug UG at Dortmund,Germany

Previous posts:

Dates: 2011-2015Institution: INFU, AK-Sellergren group
Job title: Doctoral student

Dates: 2010-2011Institution: Tillampad Biokemi
Job title: Masters thesis


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